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Different Types of Data Storage Solutions

The best data storage solution will reduce costs and increase access to data and improve security for your business. Find out about the various options available to help you choose one that will best meet your requirements.

Virtual Storage Appliance

Virtual Storage Appliances (VSA) are software-based alternatives to physical storage systems. They function within a virtualized environment on a virtual machine (VM), abstracting the storage resources and providing them as one single storage device to hosts and VMs as well as the host infrastructure. VSAs offer flexibility, scalability, and cost savings. They also seamlessly integrate with virtualization platforms.

SAN Storage

SAN storage stores files on multiple disks, which provides greater redundancy and performance over traditional block storage. Contrary to other storage solutions which are port-based, VMware vSAN is software-defined and can be configured as a cluster to maximize performance and minimize downtime.

Cloud Storage

Cloud storage services come in many forms, but the two most popular are Amazon S3 and Microsoft Azure. This type of storage is ideal to archive data that isn’t used frequently or to meet regulations and industry standards on record retention.

Technology issues can occur, but it’s crucial to have a backup solution in place to prevent the loss of important business data. The best solution for backup and recovery can help you quickly recover from a problem while still maintaining access to all your data. This is especially important for your most valuable assets like customer and employee data.

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