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How to Manage Online Board Meetings Benefits

Online Board Meetings Benefits

A virtual board meeting can save your nonprofit organization money, time, and energy. It lets your members take part regardless of their work schedule, quarantine or travel restrictions. It’s important to be aware that virtual meetings can cause problems if they are not handled properly. A few simple rules will lead to an efficient online meeting that has a an active participation from the board and efficient documentation.

Begin with a concise, clear agenda. Include your board members in the process of setting the agenda and give them copies well in advance of the meeting to allow them to prepare for the discussion. This helps to keep your board on track and ensures all relevant topics are covered during the meeting.

Make sure you use video conferencing tools in your meeting to ensure that the attendees are able to see each other. It’s more difficult to get people involved when members of the board aren’t able read body language or hear each one another clearly. Video conference is a great way to keep away distractions such as pets, children and household activities.

Record all decisions made during the meeting, and include notes from every member who important site about Online Board Meeting participated in the meeting. This will make your meeting’s minutes easier to refer back to in the future and ensure that all decisions are recorded in detail. Making the wrong decisions can result in confusion or confusion in the future. You should have someone designated to record all discussions and decisions in full.